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I still have three weeks before the schedule Licensure Exam for Teachers (LET), but I have not reviewed any single thing about Professional Education. My mother borrowed a reviewer from a colleague, but I haven’t touched it.
I did not do one activity and my midterm exam in one of my master’s degree subjects (a MAJOR subject at that). On the other hand, my elective subject has a final paper that I need to submit in a week’s time, but I have not done any reading on it.
I have learned the basics of internet marketing last year, even the basics on how to be a virtual assistant early this year. I tried to learn them so that it could give another possible income for me and my family. But close to a year of learning them, I have not done something dramatic.
These are just some of the things that I have been doing, or, I NEED to do – but I’m not doing them.
Despicable Me? No, it’s the Procrastinator Me.
I don’t know how this procrastination really started. I remember during my school years that I have always been a prudent student – I do care of the deadlines. With the guidance of my parents, I got all my assignments and projects done. During college, I even remembered maximizing the use of my calendar by writing all the deadlines of my projects, as well the midterm and finals schedule. I was able to get through them all well.
But alas, gone are the days when I get to put my life on schedule. Gone are the days of getting scared of not submitting on time.
Somehow, when I ended up schooling, I have learned not be scared of the consequences.
I realized that there were no more teachers to tell me what to do and when to submit them – that’s why I have put on tomorrow the things that I need to do.
I was old enough to be guided by my parents, so I could do what I need to do on my own.
When I have started working, I have learned the art of “last minute” – doing tasks and reports one day or during the deadline. I’m thanking my former and current office mates for introducing me to this art – I found myself good at it. I even brought the art at my master’s degree class.
I was told time and again that I am a bright person. I know it has not gotten into my head. But the being bright and being good at doing things at the last minute is a deadly combination, if you’re going to ask me.
It’s funny that I have learned how to procrastinate at this point in my life. Deadlines during school years have far less dreaded consequences than what could happen to me now.
I will fail the licensure exam if I will not start studying.
I will risk failing my master’s degree subjects and end up having two failed subjects before ending my course.
I will continue to rely on my salary, bickering on how big the deductions are on my taxes and other government stuff if I do not apply what I have learned about internet marketing.
See, I know the consequences of my procrastination. But it seems that I am not scared.
Was it because I have fully believed that I can still do them at the last minute and emerge a winner?
Was it because no one’s guiding me anymore, thus the lack of motivation on my part?
Was it really the “bright person” in me that has gotten into my head?
Have I gotten so strong that I don’t fear anything anymore?
I don’t know. But what I do know is that I need to get up and do something about the Procrastinator Me.
It seems that some of the effects of procrastinating have not gotten into my nerves. I know that whatever delays that I’m doing now will pay back to me big time soon. I know I can’t let that happen to me. Not anymore.
I need to change for the better if I want to make things happen for myself. I want to be surprised again on what I can do – at the fastest time possible. I know that I can only change if I just go for it – once and for all. No more delays.
I’ll start tomorrow.